Prototyping a software solution before building it has forever been a challenge due to which Agile Programming is now becoming an alternative.
If one can successfully scale their vision beyond the typical pitfalls of prototyping, it can be an effective mechanism to set the expectations or obtain the buy in of key stakeholders, business users before deciding to spend millions of dollars in a software project. Given that 50% of software projects end up spending 3-5 times the money originally estimated it is only wise to evaluate if a particular project will lend to effective prototyping before rejecting this idea.
IBSI has the experience, tools and methodology to analyze your requirement and rapidly produce a prototype that will help you advance your projects thru the internal gating process. We have made extensive investments in skills around Visual Construction & Programing tool sets to produce models, frameworks and reusable components for standardized functions in key business areas that can significantly reduce the efforts required for rapid prototyping.